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Greetings to the 23rd Congress of AKEL

Ce week-end avait lieu le 23e congrès d'AKEL qui avait déjà été postposé en raison de la pandémie. Nous avons adressé nos vœux de succès à AKEL pour la tenue de ce congrès, pour que ses conclusions servent de point d'appui aux prochaines luttes du peuple et de la classe ouvrière chypriotes pour la réunification de l'île, pour le socialisme et la paix dans cette région de l'est méditerranéen au centre des tensions inter-impérialistes.

Monceau-sur-Sambre, 1st of July 2021

To the Central Committee of AKEL,

To the delegates of the 23rd Congress,

Dear comrades,

The Communist Party of Belgium greets the delegates and expresses its wishes of success for the 23rd Congress of the AKEL that takes place on 2nd and 3rd of July 2021. Your congress takes place after being postponed due to the difficult conditions of the pandemic of Covid-19. In this period, we could observe how the bourgeois health policies during the last decades (privatization, cuts, poor working conditions) have affected the popular strata. We also could witnessed the resilience of the working class in front of a new overproduction crisis of the capitalist system. The crisis is a pretext to new massive antiworkers policies and to the reinforcement of authoritarianism. Your Congress takes also place in a moment of sharpened contradictions in East Mediterranean Sea.

Dear comrades, we are sure that the conclusions of your congress will contribute for a solution to the Cyprus problem and for the forthcomming struggle, for the struggle socialism-communism and peace.

We hope that we can reinforce the links that unite our two parties.

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism,

Long live the AKEL,

Workers of the World, Unite!

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belgium (PCB-CPB)


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